
Schizophrenic Blogging

I have self-diagnosed myself as a schizophrenic blogger. It's true. Check the symptoms on WebMD with me.

Patient is unable to focus on one topic? Check.

Patient has days where he/she just throws up a few words and a link to avoid having to write anything of substance? Check.

Patient writes on such a wide variety of topics, he/she must be turning away readers by the handful - I mean, who is really interested in music and wants to hear patient go on ad nauseum about WWE booking or the G.I. Joe movie? Check.

Patient is narcissistic enough to believe people care about the minutiae of his life? Check!

Patient is psychotic enough to attempt to broaden the scope of said blog further even after realizing all of the above? CHECK!

Today marks the first day that I officially attempt to dip my little toe into the world of mp3 blogs. I'm not quite sure what that means to you - but I'm doing it anyways. So, I hope you gain something useful out of it.

On a legal note, please check out the new disclaimer on the sidebar to cover my ass!

Stay tuned!


30571 Lorna G said...

I hear that schizophrenic bloggers also have pus filled rashes! Mrs. B beware!

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