
Top Five Friday: Ignored TV Shows

For Christmas last year, the wife picked up Season 1 of Entourage on DVD for me. Entourage has always been one of those shows that everyone goes on and on about, telling me how much I would love it - but that I just never managed to get around to watching until now. We opened up the set tonight and watched Disc One.

So, in honor of that...

The Top Five TV Shows I Really Should Get Around To Watching On DVD

5. Prison Break
Never seen a single episode of it and have done a damn fine job of not knowing anything about it despite all the watching of 24 right after it last season. I actually have the pilot sitting on my iPod. I bought it last year just before Comic-Con with the intent of watching it there but just never got around to it. Someday... someday.

4. The Office [BBC]
Again, never seen a single episode of it. But how can I not someday check out the show that inspired one of my very favorite shows? Plus, I loved Ricky Gervais in Extras and can't imagine that his version of The Office isn't going to smoke the entire world of comedy.

3. Deadwood
Ahhh, one that I have seen a few episodes of. When our cable company first started offering HBO On Demand, they had all of Season One of Deadwood loaded on there. I got through a few episodes of it before the wife had tired of old cowboys screaming "Cocksucker!" and I never managed to get through the rest of it with her either a] out of the room or b] out of the house. I love Westerns - so I always figured this would be one of my favorite shows ever if I ever got the rest of the way through it.

2. The Sopranos
Come on, it's The Sopranos. Even knowing how it ends, I think I need to see this whole series someday. And yet again, I've never seen a single episode of this one either.

And the Number One show that I really need to get around to watching on DVD someday...

1. Battlestar Galactica
I have a head start on this one! I bought the miniseries off iTunes last summer before Comic-Con and much like Prison Break, never got to watch it there. However, when we went to the Catholic Engaged Encounter [this weekend trip where they throw you in the middle of nowhere with no TV so you can become one with your future spouse and God apparently] I was able to watch it every night when they forced everyone back to their room for the night. Alone in a room where you're not given a TV and not given any access to the outside world - the perfect time to watch Battlestar Galactica! Add to this the fact that I actually have the Season One DVD sitting on a shelf. So, after Entourage, this should be next!

The Sopranos
Battlestar Galactica


Anonymous said...

Interesting Post. The Brit version of The Office was actually how I was introduced to the office - it sounds weird, but I actually had to warm up to the American version of The Office. I highly recommend the Brit version.

I've heard Deadwood is really good - I wouldn't mind reading your review of the first few DVD episodes.

I've also heard Prison Break is pretty good, but I've also heard it's one of those shows you have to watch from the beginning so I never really watched it.

Sopranos - I'm a "mafia fan" - that's to say, I'm a fan of the mafia genre - not actually putting hits out of people. I'm even a fan of James Gandolfini (I mean, True Romance, right?)That being said, I actually rented the first Season DVD & I didn't go any further. It felt weird to me not to like it as everyone and their mother (except me and my mother) loved it. Maybe it was just the mood I was in when I watched it.

By the way, Entourage REALLY kicks serious ass. Each season only gets better.

Other than that - I'd be interested to see what you thought of Indiana Jones.

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