
If Computers Have A Sense Of Humor...

...then mine is certainly laughing at me right now.

You would think that after working with computers all day long that I would want to avoid them as much as possible when I get home from work but alas, I'm a sucker and I just can't get enough.

As an Apple user, I rarely have some kind of technical issue that I can't resolve [knock on wood] but I'll be damned if I'm not baffled.

A couple months ago, I noticed that the Superdrive [DVD Burning drive] was able to read/write CDs and read DVDs but it could not/would not burn a DVD. It would spit out some error about the device not responding properly. I struggled with it for a few weeks and then decided that the problem must actually lie with the physical drive itself. After much debate, I bought an external DVD drive a couple weeks ago and just opened it up tonight when we got home from seeing Tropic Thunder. My intent was to burn a copy of wedding photos for my mom since we're creeping up on one year and I haven't done so yet - yes, yes, I'm an evil child, I know this.

Anyways, I go to burn the disc tonight - same error.

I try a second disc - same error.

I try a third, this one by a different manufacturer - same error.

A fourth by yet another maker - same error.

Now, I'm perplexed. An error message that implies a hardware problem on two different drives seems near impossible to me. But if it's a software problem, where the hell is the problem and how do I resolve it?

And to make things more interesting, if the end result is a software problem, will the evil bastards at Best Buy let me return my drive? The plot thickens.

Stay tuned!


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