
Random Randomocity

Some thoughts about some stuff...

UFC Fighter Evan Tanner Found Dead
I guess this would somewhat qualify as "breaking news" since it just hit the wires tonight. Weird story. Evan Tanner's always been known as a kind of weird guy. He's had his demons chasing him for a long time and really always came off as a fighter who fought so he'd have enough money to not have a normal job. The most recent time he emerged from the shadows, he had this crazy, amazingly cool beard that I was envious of. Basically, he decided to go on some kind of adventurous camping trip and blogged somewhere telling people that it was the kind of trip where he could die if something went wrong. Well, something went wrong and they found his remains out in the desert somewhere. Like I said, weird story.

Dodgers Engaged In Match Play
I wasn't going to post about this out of jinxing fears but a loss tonight changed my mind. So, at this stage of the season with a 1.5 game lead, the Dodgers have their postseason hopes in their hands. If they win their games, it doesn't matter what anyone else does. Of course, when you decide to get shut out by the last place Padres, you have to do a little bit of scoreboard watching. Here's how it breaks down. If the other team wins, you need to win. If the other teams loses, it'd be real nice to win - but if you have to lose, make it on that night. Tonight, the D-Backs lost - the Dodgers used up their loss too. Hope you enjoyed it, fellas!

Chris Jericho - New WWE Champ
Eh. Why not? If you've got an amazingly over heel act right now, might as well hitch your wagon to it and see where it takes you. I liked seeing Punk with the title but Jericho as the smarmy heel champ is a lot of fun too. To be honest, I've been a little over the current wrestling scene lately. I usually skim Raw, I might occasionally watch ECW, I usually skim or skip Smackdown, and I almost never watch TNA. I think I'd watch my WWE 24/7 package if I had it back but so far, I haven't been bothered to get it back. Too much other stuff to think about lately.

New TV Season Begins
I haven't been as excited for this TV season starting as I have in recent memory. I think it might be because Lost and 24, the two shows I'm most eager to see again, won't start until 2009. It'll be nice to see The Office, 30 Rock, Pushing Daisies, How I Met Your Mother, and some of the others back soon though. So far? The Entourage premiere was underwhelming, The Shield's long-awaited return was solid, and the Gossip Girl premiere was fun. Everything else (Sons of Anarchy, 90210, True Blood) sits on the DVR unwatched so far.

Apple Media Event Tomorrow
New iPods? New iTunes? Deal me in. And you just never know if you'll get a "One more thing..." that knocks the gadget world on their collective ears. It should be an interesting couple of days.

Will Smith as Captain America
Robert Downey Jr... Ed Norton... Will Smith? One of these things is not like the others. I pray this is just a wild rumor with no substance.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that be racist to have a black man play Capt. America???

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