
Wrestlemania Coming To Arizona

The "buzz" started breaking out earlier today and now it seems like the WWE will make it official tomorrow.  Wrestlemania 26 will be held in Phoenix, Arizona.

And I am stoked!

I REALLY wanted to go to Mania this year but I just couldn't bring myself to actually fly to Houston for it.  It'd be an amazing show, I'm sure, but I didn't feel up to dropping that much cash but Phoenix?  I can drive to Phoenix!

If I go to Wrestlemania 26, it'll be only my second Mania visit - the first being the horrific Wrestlemania 2000 at the Pond in Anaheim.  Since then, Wrestlemania has really become a several day event with the return of Axxess this year, the amazing Hall of Fame ceremony, and now with Ring Of Honor following Mania around the country to host a show or two the same weekend.  And as it stands, there's a very strong possibility that 26 could be the final Mania for both Shawn Michaels AND The Undertaker.  How can I resist?

Sometime tomorrow, the WWE will make it official and I will officially be counting down the days because that one is going on my calendar in an instant.


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