

Haven't written much about MMA lately cause there hasn't been much of interest to write about. I've given up on The Ultimate Fighter after last season's disaster with that jackass Junie so that's been removed from my DVR permanently. I did see the Strike Force show on Showtime last week and I did dig that quite a bit. It had some definite highlights and was a fun show to watch.

But this weekend on the other hand...


Ahhh, the return to the cage of my favorite MMA fighter. I love me some Anderson Silva. The comparisons they write to Silva being like Tyson was in the 80s seems to ring true to me. I can totally picture people gathering nationwide waiting to see just how badly Silva's going to outclass his opponent. He's the most explosive striker in the sport and a true joy to watch in the cage.

And then there's Chuck.

Chuck's at a major crossroads in my opinion. Another loss has GOT to make him seriously consider retirement. He needs a win and an impressive one because at the moment, I have no desire to see him fight anymore. It's becoming kind of sad actually. Chuck was once the UFC's biggest draw - but how much longer can that last if he can't win a fight convincingly?

It should be a fun night of fighting.


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