
Movie Added: Pineapple Express

Potentially, there could have been more added to this list today.

We went to the Block of Orange today with the intent of going to the movies. Now, I must add that we went there much to my dismay. Of all the shitty malls in SoCal, The Block has GOT to be one of my least favorite. But we were going anyways because we wanted to have dinner there.

But then... it happened.


So, we had dinner and left. Now, that may seem a bit extreme but... well, when you're going to a place under protest, it doesn't take much to make you bail out.

No movie there.

We came home and I told the Missus to watch the copy of Rachel Got Married we rented last weekend so we could return it.

Holy shit... that movie was bad. I mean, colossally bad. Horrifically bad. It was... bad.

It was too annoying to watch so I bailed out about five minutes before the Missus turned it off because it was driving her crazy as well.

So, in the end...

Pineapple Express
I'm not sure what to say about this one. It has weird, silly comedy that a lot of people just might not get if you've never smoked weed or been around people when they were. There were scenes that I could relate to that I'm sure others would not. But all in all, there was some funny shit there.

Blue's Review: If you like goofy, silly, drug-addled comedy... SEE IT!


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